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Fitness is being able to do all you want to do!

I believe in aging gracefully so my work is changing the perception of aging by helping busy women, who are struggling with fatigue and are done with yo-yo dieting, to find out what works for them to gain their enthusiasm for life back and feel better in their bodies.

Did you once have the energy to go all day, but that hasn’t been the case for a while? Are you done yo-yo dieting with all of the tried and true diets that are out there, but they aren’t giving you the results you want? How about the answer that “Your test results are within range so let’s wait and see what happens in 6 months”? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wait and see if my health gets bad enough to fix when I know something is out of balance!

My mission is to help clients regain their health after years of struggle, discouragement, and confusion about why they don’t feel like themselves anymore. You don't lose weight to get healthier, you get healthier to lose weight!
I work with my clients in a natural, wholistic way to create deep lasting solutions and transformation.


You need solutions, not “wait and see what happens”

Have you been told by the doctor that you are on the verge of a major medical issue and to come back in six months to see how you are doing? Me too! That was when I decided that I had to take my health into my own hands. That is what I will help you to do also.


What working with Kathie did for me . . .


At the beginning of the year, Kathie worked with me for 3 months. I had never done anything like this before, but my Type 2 diabetes was out of control, I was constantly tired and knew I needed help to change. I can’t imagine working with anyone else! Kathie taught me that this changing experience is not only a whole body approach, but also involves the whole soul: physically, socially, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. This is much more than a job for Kathie, it is a vocation. She does this, I believe, because she lives it and wants to pass on to others what she has learned and she truly cares about the individual. While this is a life long process to change and be changed, she helped me understand and implement small things like the importance of drinking water—I went into this saying “Do not ask me to give up Diet Coke” and I meant it. She just laughed and said “I will never do that.” And yet as I began drinking water every morning I naturally began craving diet coke less and less. She taught me about portions at meal time and how important protein is in my diet and for the first time in years I had energy and didn’t feel like napping every time I sat down. I highly recommend, not only her coaching program, but more especially Kathie herself. She is a fabulous coach!! ~~Anne

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For the first time in years I have energy!

Critical Keys of Optimal Health


Nutrition First

Discover the right foods your body needs to function at its potential. By optimizing digestion, the body can absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins to regain optimum balance.

Test! Don’t Guess!

Uncover hidden healing opportunities to reach your ideal health and weight. Using functional lab testing and a series of questionnaires to look at the big picture, we connect all the dots so you can fix what’s going on with your body.

Self-Care Model

Learn how to tune into your body. When you eat nourishing foods, get proper rest, move your body frequently, and manage your stress levels, you build a solid foundation for excellent health and have energy to do the things that you want to do and feel good!


Book a FREE Discovery Session TODAY!